EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH is a family-owned company and one of the leading manufacturers of access solutions – both mechanical and electronic. EVVA was founded in Vienna in 1919. The company continues to research, develop, produce and export to all parts of the world. This is where EDI Service Partners come into play.
Mastering challenges in security technology digitally
In an industry where precision and reliability are crucial, EVVA recognized the need to optimize its communication channels. The challenge was to manage the volumes of data exchanged daily between EVVA and its business partners more efficiently. This includes:
- PRICAT for the transmission of price and product information,
- ORDERS and ORDRSP for orders and their confirmations,
- DESADV for deliveries and
- INVOIC for the exchange of invoice information.
The solution: EDI Service from Avenum
The EDI Service not only enables smooth and automated communication for all the processes mentioned, but also offers the decisive advantage that with just one connection to Avenum, EVVA can easily and flexibly connect business partners in the onboarding process.
A look into the future
EVVA sees the ongoing automation and optimization of its processes as a decisive factor for long-term success. New business partners will also be seamlessly integrated in the future.

I have to say, I am really impressed by the speed with which you proceed 😀 Thank you very much! Less than 24 hours from the initial contact to the signed offer, including initial approval – that’s a record!
Johann Notbauer, CTO and EVP Products and Services EVVA
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.