Your goals with Electronic Data Interchange

What are the possible use cases for EDI Service? Which processes can be optimized? Your goals can be achieved quickly and easily with EDI Service.

Connecting suppliers

Do you want to connect your suppliers as best as possible, cut costs and save time as well?

Connecting customers

Do you want to have a supply chain that is as efficient as it can be, while also optimally connecting your customers?

Introduction to EDI Service

Do you already have an EDI on premise solution and now want to take advantage of a reliable EDI cloud service?

Switching your ERP

Are you looking to switch your ERP system and would like to set up an optimum EDI connection?


Do you want to be at the cutting edge of technology and master the challenges presented by digitalisation?


Do you want to be able to send and receive electronic invoices just as easily as paper invoices?

EDI sustainability calculator

Do you need to see in black and white whether switching to our EDI Service is worth it for you and for the environment?