Delivery bills and all business data in general are also often sent by email. This means that companies are missing out on numerous opportunities. Save costs with EDI Service:
Bye, bye carrier pigeon
Compared to the past, less business data is already being sent by post, but sending PDFs by email by hand also means a lot of effort – although automated solutions can reduce costs enormously, especially as the necessary data can usually be found in ERP or CRM systems anyway. So what should you do now?
EDI, plain and simple
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) allows documents such as invoices, orders, delivery bills or purchase orders, which previously had to be printed, sent and collected on paper, to be created electronically. If these are transmitted in the format required by the respective business partner, both the sender and recipient can read, process and archive them.
There are several internationally valid standard formats – this is the only way to ensure that business partners can use EDI with each other. Which ones are used is individual, but there are different formats that are preferred depending on the industry and country.
In addition to saving money, time and therefore nerves, EDI reduces the susceptibility to errors and therefore also the associated follow-up costs.
The advantages of EDI are numerous: employees who currently still carry out the process manually can use their resources elsewhere. Not only is it much faster, cheaper and more relaxed, but staff can also concentrate on other strategic goals and tasks. For example, invoices are paid on time or even early, which means that discounts can be taken into account and dunning costs can be avoided.
The amortization of EDI therefore progresses quickly due to lower operating and error costs, leaving the head free for other, more important things. Whereas EDI was often solved in-house, i.e. in the company with its own converters, the focus is now on SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions within a cloud.