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We will continue to solve your challenges with EDI in 2023

In 2022, we digitized processes in many companies and thus saved valuable resources. Good for business and also good for the environment.

In 2022, topics such as energy, climate, skilled labor, and supply have created tremendous pressure. Our EDI Service has helped many companies automate supply and trade processes, thus saving valuable resources.

Your customers or suppliers are connected to our EDI Service and orders, invoices, delivery bills, stock levels, etc. are fully automated. This saves a lot of energy and has a positive effect on your company and our environment.

Our EDI Service connects you simply and reliably with all your business partners. With us, you can rely on sustainability and green IT.

If you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We wish you a happy new year and a successful 2023 and look forward to seeing you again.

Danimir Stevanovic & Sven Hecker