Avenum Technology GmbH




The contract is concluded when the Contractor either sends a written order confirmation or delivers the ordered contractual items within the acceptance period. The Client’s terms and conditions of purchase are hereby excluded for the legal transaction in question and the entire business relationship. The following terms and conditions shall apply to all services performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor named by the Contractor within the scope of this contract.


2.1. Erwerb des Software-Nutzungsrechtes:
Mit der Zahlung des vereinbarten Einmalbetrages erwirbt der Auftraggeber das nicht ausschließliche, nicht übertragbare und zeitlich unbeschränkte Nutzungsrecht der Software auf dem der Spezifikation entsprechenden Computersystem.

2.2. Dienstleistungen:
Gegenstand des Vertrages kann die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen sein, z. B. Ausarbeitung von Organisationskonzepten; Global- und Detailanalysen; Erstellung von Individualprogrammen; Anpassungen von Softwareprodukten; Lieferung und Installation von Software; Einschulung des Bedienungspersonals; Mitwirkung bei der Inbetriebnahme (Umstellungsunterstützung); Erstellen von Programmträgern (Kopien).


3.1. Library, standard programs and system software are supplied in the scope of functions and performance specified by the manufacturer. The responsibility for ensuring that the scope of functions and services meets the client’s operational requirements lies with the client.

3.2. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the Contractor shall deliver the latest released version of the programs in its possession.


4.1. The basis for the creation of individual programs is the complete written service description signed by the client.

4.2. If the Contractor undertakes to prepare the written service description, these Software Terms and Conditions shall also apply. The responsibility for the completeness and correctness of the information and documents provided to the contractor for this purpose lies with the client.

4.3. Subsequent changes to the service description may lead to changes in dates and/or prices and must always be made in writing.

4.4 If execution of the order in accordance with the service description is actually or legally impossible, the Contractor must notify the Client of this immediately. If the Client does not amend the service description to the effect that execution becomes possible, the Contractor may refuse execution. If the impossibility of performance is the result of an omission on the part of the Client or a subsequent change to the service description by the Client, the Contractor may demand reimbursement of its costs and expenses incurred up to that point.

4.5. If the Contractor changes the service description after the order has been placed, the Contractor shall be entitled to invoice the additional costs incurred.

4.6. Der Auftraggeber ist verpflichtet nach Übergabe der Leistung (Software) einen gesamten Applikationstest durchzuführen und ev. Mängel in schriftlicher Form dem Auftragnehmer mitzuteilen. Jede gelieferte Version muss durch den Auftraggeber vor Inbetriebnahme (Echt-Betrieb) diesem Test unterzogen werden.


5.1. Services are generally invoiced according to the actual time spent.

5.2. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the costs stated by the Contractor for the provision of certain services are approximate. In any case, the client shall be responsible for any increased expenses caused by him or his vicarious agents (e.g. failure to provide machine time, missing or defective test data, untrained or inadequately trained operating personnel): Non-provision of machine time, missing or inadequate test data, untrained or inadequately trained operating personnel).

5.3. If, as agreed, services are not provided at the place of performance, travel times from the place of work of the software specialist entrusted with the provision of the service shall be deemed to be working time.


6.1. Software-Nutzungsrecht:
Der Auftragnehmer ist berechtigt, die am Tage der Lieferung gültigen Listenpreise zu verrechnen. Erhöht sich der Fakturenpreis gegenüber dem Vertragspreis um mehr als 10%, so hat der Auftraggeber das Recht, hinsichtlich des betroffenen Softwareprogramms vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Die Kosten der zur Lieferung der Softwareprogramme notwendigen Programmträger werden gesondert in Rechnung gestellt.

6.2. Dienstleistungen:
Es wird der tatsächliche Arbeitsaufwand zu den am Tag der Leistungserbringung jeweils gültigen Tarifen des Auftragnehmers, zuzüglich allfälliger Kosten für Fahrten, Tag- und Nächtigungsgelder, verrechnet. Die für die Erbringung der Dienstleistung notwendigen Materialien (Programmträger, Datenträger, Formulare und Testläufe usw.) sind vom Auftraggeber beizustellen oder werden vom Auftragnehmer gesondert in Rechnung gestellt.


7.1. The delivery of software products, program carriers, documentation and service descriptions shall be at the expense of the client.

7.2. Partial deliveries, partial services and advance deliveries are permitted.

7.3. Any storage of delivery items required for reasons attributable to the client shall be charged to the client and shall be deemed to be a delivery.

7.4. If the agreed delivery date is exceeded for reasons for which the Contractor is solely responsible, the Client shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract with regard to the delayed deliveries and services after setting a reasonable grace period of at least ninety days.

7.5. Delivery dates for individual programs are calculated from the date on which the final service description signed by the client is received by the contractor.

7.6. Die Lieferfrist wird durch alle vom Parteiwillen unabhängigen Umständen, wie z. B. nicht rechtzeitige Belieferung durch die Vorlieferanten, Fälle höherer Gewalt, unvorhersehbare Betriebsstörungen, behördliche Eingriffe, Transport- und Verzollungsverzug, Transportschäden und Arbeitskonflikte, um die Dauer der Hinderung verlängert.


8.1. The date of delivery is considered the effective date.

8.2. The client is required to check the delivered software, particularly custom programs and modifications of library and standard programs, for completeness and compliance.

8.3. If no justified written notice of defects is sent to the Contractor within 30 days of handover, the software shall be deemed to have been accepted. Minor defects do not delay the acceptance of the software. Software programs in live operation are considered accepted by the client.

8.4. Services are considered accepted immediately after they are provided, unless a complaint about defects is raised.


9.1. The contractor issues an invoice after each delivery or service is completed. If the services extend over a period of more than four weeks as agreed, the contractor is entitled to issue a partial invoice every four weeks corresponding to the services rendered.

9.2. Invoices issued by the Contractor are due 14 days after the invoice date without deduction and free of charges.

9.3. Compliance with the payment deadlines agreed between the contracting parties under this and other legal transactions is an essential prerequisite for the fulfillment of the contract by the Contractor. In the event of late payment, default interest shall be charged at a rate of 7.5% above the bank rate of the Austrian National Bank. If two installments are not paid in the case of partial payments, the Contractor shall be entitled to enforce the loss of deadlines and to call in any acceptances handed over.

9.4. The client is not entitled to withhold payments due to guarantee or warranty claims or other complaints.


10.1. Softwareprogramme (ausgenommen das Datenträgermaterial) sowie in Softwareprogrammen verwendete Dienstprogramme und Routinen, und die diesen beigefügten Dokumentationen, enthalten vertrauliches geistiges Eigentum des Auftragnehmers und/oder deren Lizenzgebern; sie bleiben zeitlich unbegrenzt uneingeschränktes Eigentum des Auftragnehmers bzw. der Lizenzgeber. Eine entgeltliche und unentgeltliche Überlassung an Dritte sowie das Anfertigen von Kopien für derartige Zwecke sowie jede andere das Eigentumsrecht der Auftragnehmers oder der Lizenzgeber schmälernde Handlung ist nicht zulässig. Der Auftraggeber verpflichtet sich, Copyright- und Eigentumsvermerke weder aus der Software noch aus der Dokumentation zu entfernen.

10.2. The client is permitted to make copies of the software programs for archiving and data backup purposes on condition that all copyright and ownership notices are also transferred to these copies.

10.3. Any infringement of the Contractor’s and/or its licensor’s property rights and rights of use shall entitle the Contractor pursuant to Art. UrhG to prohibit the client from further use of the software in question and to sue him for injunctive relief, publication of a judgment, payment of reasonable compensation and damages.

10.4. The Client agrees that the programs commissioned by it may be included in the Contractor’s program library for the general use of the Contractor in return for the fact that its programs could be developed more economically and cost-effectively for it by using other experience and documents than would have been the case without the use of such resources.

10.5. If it is necessary to disclose the interfaces in order to establish the interoperability of the software in question, the Client shall commission the Contractor to do so for a fee. If the Contractor does not comply with this requirement and decompilation is carried out in accordance with copyright law, the results shall be used exclusively to establish interoperability. Abuse will result in compensation for damages


11.1. The Contractor warrants that the contractual software has been copied in full onto a perfectly readable data carrier. Other defects are covered by the warranty if they are reproducible.

11.2. Der Auftragnehmer ist im Rahmen seiner Gewährleistung bzw. Haftung binnen 6 Monaten nach Lieferung verpflichtet, Mängel der Vertragsgegenstände bzw. der vertraglich bedungenen Dienstleistungen, die bei Übergabe vorhanden waren, nach seiner Wahl am Erfüllungsort durch Verbesserung, kostenlosen Austausch, Preisminderung bei sonstiger Brauchbarkeit oder Gutschrift gegen Rücknahme der mangelhaften Vertragsgegenstände innerhalb angemessener Frist zu beheben. Voraussetzung hiefür ist eine schriftliche Mängelrüge des Auftraggebers, welche dieser unverzüglich, längstens jedoch innerhalb von 30 Tagen ab der Übergabe der Lieferung oder Leistung erhebt. Sonstige Rechtsfolgen der Mangelhaftigkeit der Vertragsgegenstände sind ausgeschlossen. Für Fremdsoftware gelten die Bestimmungen des jeweiligen Herstellers.

11.3. Von der Gewährleistung ausgenommen sind Mängelbehebungen infolge externer Einflüsse (wie z.B. Eingriffe durch den Auftraggeber, dessen Erfüllungsgehilfen oder Dritte) oder infolge der Verwendung der Vertragsgegenstände auf einem anderen als dem spezifizierten Computersystem bzw. aufgrund nicht widmungsgemäßer Verwendung der vertragsgegenständlichen Softwareprogramme. Werden die Vertragsgegenstände in Verbindung mit Geräten und/oder Programmen Dritter und/oder vom Auftraggeber oder dessen Erfüllungsgehilfen selbst erstellter Programme eingesetzt, besteht eine Gewährleistung für Funktions- und Leistungsmängel der Vertragsgegenstände nur dann, wenn solche Mängel auch ohne eine derartige Verbindung auftreten.

11.4. Der Auftragnehmer haftet für Schäden nur, wenn ihm Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit nachgewiesen werden kann. In jedem Fall ist eine Haftung für Folgeschäden und Vermögensschäden, insbesondere wegen Verzugs, Unmöglichkeit der Leistung, entgangenen Gewinns, erwarteter, aber nicht eingetretener Ersparnisse, Schäden aus Ansprüchen Dritter gegen den Auftraggeber, mittelbare Schäden sowie Schäden an aufgezeichneten Daten, soweit gesetzlich zulässig, ausgeschlossen.


All agreements on the delivery and installation of hardware and maintenance services for hardware and software are subject to the General Terms and Conditions on which these services are based and in each case constitute separate legal transactions, unless expressly agreed otherwise.


13.1. The place of performance shall be the Contractor’s place of business.

13.2. Unless otherwise agreed, the statutory provisions applicable between registered traders shall apply. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive local jurisdiction of the competent court in Vienna. Austrian law shall apply.

13.3. For sales to consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the above provisions shall only apply insofar as the Consumer Protection Act does not provide for other mandatory provisions.




The purchase contract is concluded when the Contractor either sends a written order confirmation or delivers the ordered contractual items within the acceptance period. The Client’s terms and conditions of purchase are hereby excluded for the legal transaction in question and the entire business relationship. The following terms and conditions shall apply to all services performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor named by the Contractor within the scope of this contract.


The Contractor is entitled to charge the list prices valid on the day of delivery. If the invoice price increases by more than 5%, the Client shall have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract.


3.1. Contractual items are, where necessary, packed and insured for transportation by the Contractor to the agreed delivery address.

3.2. Partial deliveries and advance deliveries are permitted.

3.3. Transport damage must be reported by the Client to the transport company immediately upon receipt of the contractual items and to the Contractor.

3.4. Any storage required for reasons attributable to the client shall be charged to the client and shall be deemed delivery.

3.5. If the agreed delivery date is exceeded for reasons for which the Contractor is solely responsible, the Client shall be entitled, after setting a reasonable grace period of at least ninety days, to withdraw from the purchase contract with regard to the delayed delivery.

3.6. Die Lieferfrist wird durch alle vom Parteiwillen unabhängigen Umständen, wie z. B. nicht rechtzeitige Belieferung durch die Vorlieferanten, Fälle höherer Gewalt, unvorhersehbare Betriebsstörungen, behördliche Eingriffe, Transport- und Verzollungsverzug, Transportschäden und Arbeitskonflikte, um die Dauer der Hinderung verlängert.


4.1. The Contractor shall issue an invoice after delivery.

4.2. Invoices issued by the Contractor are due 14 days after the invoice date without deduction and free of charges.

4.3. Compliance with the payment deadlines agreed between the contracting parties under this and other legal transactions is an essential prerequisite for the fulfillment of the contract by the Contractor. In the event of late payment, interest on arrears shall be charged at a rate of 7.5% above the bank rate of the Austrian National Bank. If two installments are not paid in the case of partial payments, the Contractor shall be entitled to enforce the loss of deadlines and to call in any acceptances handed over.

4.4. The client is not entitled to withhold payments due to guarantee or warranty claims or other complaints.


The contractual items shall remain the unrestricted property of the Contractor until full payment (including interest and costs) has been made. During this period, the Client shall ensure proper maintenance (servicing and repair) at its own expense. Pledging or transfer by way of security before full payment is made is not permitted.


6.1. Der Auftragnehmer ist im Rahmen seiner Gewährleistung bzw. Haftung binnen 6 Monaten nach Lieferung verpflichtet, Mängel der Vertragsgegenstände, die bei Übergabe vorhanden waren, nach seiner Wahl am Erfüllungsort durch Verbesserung, kostenlosen Austausch oder Gutschrift gegen Rücknahme der mangelhaften Vertragsgegenstände zu beheben. Voraussetzung hiefür ist eine schriftliche Mängelrüge des Auftraggebers, welche dieser unverzüglich, längstens jedoch innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Lieferung, erhebt. Sonstige Rechtsfolgen der Mangelhaftigkeit der Vertragsgegenstände sind ausgeschlossen. Für Fremdsoftware gelten die Bestimmungen des jeweiligen Herstellers.

6.2. Excluded from the warranty are wearing parts and accessories (e.g. data carriers, type wheels) as well as repairs due to external influences (e.g. the use of unauthorized data carriers or interference by third parties). If the contractual items are used in conjunction with third-party devices and/or programs, a warranty for functional and performance defects of the contractual items shall only exist if such defects also occur without such a connection.

6.3. Additional warranty services can be ordered beyond the scope of the warranty. The General Terms and Conditions for Hardware Maintenance apply to these services.

6.4. Der Auftragnehmer haftet für Schäden nur, wenn ihm Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit nachgewiesen werden kann. In jedem Fall ist eine Haftung für Folgeschäden und Vermögensschäden, insbesondere wegen Verzugs, Unmöglichkeit der Leistung, entgangenen Gewinns, erwarteter, aber nicht eingetretener Ersparnisse, Schäden aus Ansprüchen Dritter gegen den Auftraggeber, mittelbare Schäden sowie Schäden an aufgezeichneten Daten, soweit gesetzlich zulässig, ausgeschlossen.


The Client shall prepare the installation site in accordance with the Contractor’s specifications (power connection, cabling, etc.). Upon request, the Contractor shall assist with this by providing expert advice against reimbursement of costs (agreed flat rate or at cost). The Client may purchase installation material from the Contractor for a separate charge.


All agreements on software services, maintenance services for servicing and repair and training courses are subject to the General Terms and Conditions on which these services are based and in each case constitute separate legal transactions, unless expressly agreed otherwise.


9.1. The place of performance shall be the Contractor’s place of business.

9.2. Unless otherwise agreed, the statutory provisions applicable between registered traders shall apply. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive local jurisdiction of the competent court in Vienna. Austrian law shall apply.

9.3. For sales to consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the above provisions shall only apply insofar as the Consumer Protection Act does not provide for other mandatory provisions.




The following terms and conditions shall apply to all services and deliveries performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor named by the Contractor within the scope of this contract for the installed computer systems. The Client’s terms and conditions of purchase are hereby excluded for the legal transaction in question and the entire business relationship.


Unless otherwise agreed, the performance of the contractual services defined in the service description shall be carried out by the Contractor at its discretion at the location of the contractual product or at the business premises of the Contractor or the subcontractor during normal working hours. If, at the Client’s request, services are provided outside normal working hours, the additional costs shall be invoiced separately. The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the employee providing the contractual services and shall be entitled to engage third parties for this purpose. The Client shall ensure that it or a person commissioned by it is present at the site during the performance of the contractual services and that the tools supplied and made available by the Contractor as well as data carriers, test devices, maintenance plans, test programs, manuals and documentation are available. In the case of maintenance of third-party software products, the provisions of the respective manufacturer shall apply.


3.1. The prices quoted are ex place of performance. The costs of program carriers (e.g. magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, magnetic tape cassettes) as well as documentation and any contract fees shall be invoiced separately.

3.2. For services provided on the Client’s premises, the Client shall bear the costs of travel, accommodation and travel time for the Contractor’s personnel assigned to perform the service.

3.3. Der Auftragnehmer ist berechtigt, bei nach Vertragsabschluss eintretenden Steigerungen von Lohn- und Materialkosten bzw. sonstigen Kosten und Abgaben, die umseitig angeführten Pauschalbeträge entsprechend zu erhöhen und dem Auftraggeber ab dem auf die Erhöhung folgenden Monatsbeginn anzulasten. Die Erhöhungen gelten vom Auftraggeber von vornherein akzeptiert, wenn sie nicht mehr als 10% jährlich betragen.

3.4. All fees and taxes (in particular VAT) are calculated on the basis of the legal situation at the time the contract is concluded. If the tax authorities subsequently impose additional taxes and duties, these shall be borne by the client.


4.1. The Contractor shall endeavor to respond to the Client’s inquiries within a reasonable period of time during the Contractor’s normal working hours.

4.2. The client shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract or claim compensation for damages due to exceeding the promised deadlines.

4.3. Partial deliveries and advance deliveries are permitted.


5.1. The agreed lump sums are payable in advance by the client for the calendar year/partial year.

5.2. Invoices issued by the Contractor are due 14 days after the invoice date without deduction and free of charges.

5.3. Compliance with the payment deadlines agreed between the contracting parties under this and other legal transactions is an essential prerequisite for the fulfillment of the contract by the Contractor. In the event of late payment, interest on arrears shall be charged at a rate of 7.5% above the bank rate of the Austrian National Bank. If two installments are not paid in the case of partial payments, the Contractor shall be entitled to enforce the loss of deadlines and to call in any acceptances handed over.

5.4. The client is not entitled to withhold payments due to guarantee or warranty claims or other complaints.


The contractual relationship, which presupposes the professional installation of the duly acquired contractual software program, begins with the signing of the contract and is concluded for an indefinite period. This contract can be terminated in writing by one of the contracting parties subject to a notice period of 3 months to the end of a calendar year, but at the earliest after the end of the 36th month of the contract.


The contractor shall only be liable for damages if intent or gross negligence can be proven. In any case, liability for consequential damages and financial losses, in particular due to delay, impossibility of performance, loss of profit, expected but unrealized savings, damages from third-party claims against the client, indirect damages and damages to recorded data, is excluded to the extent permitted by law.


The location of the computer systems covered by the contract is specified in the contract. In the event of a change of location of the computer systems, the Contractor shall be entitled to redefine the lump-sum reimbursement of costs or to terminate the contract prematurely.


9.1. Softwareprogramme (ausgenommen das Datenträgermaterial) sowie in Softwareprogrammen verwendete Dienstprogramme und Routinen, und die diesen beigefügten Dokumentationen, enthalten vertrauliches geistiges Eigentum des Auftragnehmers und/oder deren Lizenzgebern; sie bleiben zeitlich unbegrenzt uneingeschränktes Eigentum des Auftragnehmers bzw. der Lizenzgeber. Eine entgeltliche und unentgeltliche Überlassung an Dritte sowie das Anfertigen von Kopien für derartige Zwecke sowie jede andere das Eigentumsrecht der Auftragnehmers oder der Lizenzgeber schmälernde Handlung ist nicht zulässig. Der Auftraggeber verpflichtet sich, Copyright- und Eigentumsvermerke weder aus der Software noch aus der Dokumentation zu entfernen.

9.2. The client is permitted to make copies of the software programs for archiving and data backup purposes on condition that the software does not contain any express prohibition by the licensor and that all copyright and ownership notices are also transferred to these copies.

9.3. Any infringement of the Contractor’s and/or its licensor’s property rights and rights of use shall entitle the Contractor pursuant to Art. UrhG to prohibit the client from further use of the software in question and to sue him for injunctive relief, publication of a judgment, payment of reasonable compensation and damages.

9.4. If it is necessary to disclose the interfaces in order to establish the interoperability of the software in question, the Client shall commission the Contractor to do so for a fee. If the Contractor does not comply with this requirement and decompilation is carried out in accordance with copyright law, the results shall be used exclusively to establish interoperability. Misuse will result in compensation.


10.1. The place of performance shall be the Contractor’s place of business.

10.2. The Contractor shall oblige its employees to comply with the provisions of Section 20 of the Data Protection Act.

10.3. Unless otherwise agreed, the statutory provisions applicable between registered traders shall apply. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive local jurisdiction of the competent court in Vienna. Austrian domestic law shall apply.

10.4. For sales to consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the above provisions shall only apply insofar as the Consumer Protection Act does not provide for other mandatory provisions.

Avedium Technology GmbH

AGB Avedium


The following general terms and conditions apply to all Avedium services, including those not specifically mentioned here. Other conditions are only binding for us if we have recognized them in writing.

1. Offers/orders/fees

All Avedium offers are made without obligation and without guarantee. They only come into force with an order confirmation or a contract. The provision and operating costs of machines for the execution of the order shall be borne solely by the client. The execution of the work, i.e. its external execution, is the responsibility of the client. The dispatch of materials and documents from us to the client shall be at our expense, but at the client’s risk. For all activities, the rates of the Avedium price and conditions list for

– Personnel services – Travel times
– Travel costs – Expenses
– Overnight stays
– Management costs for the communication of the computers
Activities without special agreements are invoiced according to the conditions of the price list according to actual expenditure.

2. Value added tax

Avedium offers and order confirmations do not include statutory VAT. This will always be invoiced separately.

3. Claims for damages/liability

Avedium shall not be liable for damages unless the damage was caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of Avedium. Avedium’s liability for agreed quality remains unaffected. In the event that the program created by Avedium runs incorrectly or otherwise exhibits a defect, the rights of the Customer are limited to rectification of the defect, unless Avedium has fraudulently concealed the defect. The Customer shall grant Avedium two attempts to rectify the defect. Should the rectification of the defect fail after two attempts, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the price. Avedium’s liability for damages resulting directly from the defective part of Avedium’s service or delivery is limited to EUR 50,000.00 per case of damage or, if the damage exceeds this amount, to the order value – excluding the purchase price of hardware. Furthermore, Avedium is not liable for loss of profit, loss of savings, damages from third party claims against the Customer, insofar and as long as Avedium has not culpably deviated from the order and the Customer’s instructions. Avedium is also not liable for other indirect or unforeseeable consequential damages; liability for intent remains unaffected. In the case of services against a lump sum to be paid on an ongoing basis, claims for damages per case of damage are limited to the lump sum to be paid in the year in which the individual case of damage occurs. The Customer undertakes to back up the data processed with products or programs supplied by Avedium at regular intervals, i.e. as a rule every day. Avedium is not liable for the loss or distortion of data that has not been backed up. Insofar as the service rendered by us is based on partial solutions already provided, we are not obliged to check the correctness of these provided solutions. The risk and danger of the incorrectness of this pre-solution shall be borne solely and exclusively by the client. The same applies to the adaptation or modification of third-party program products. Furthermore, we guarantee the function of the program for the test data provided. This shall only apply in the event that the test data leading to acceptance is signed by both parties. If the customer does not provide any test data, the function is only guaranteed for the data constellations generated with the customer’s own test data. The Contractor shall not be liable for infringements of competition, trademark or copyright law by third parties of which it is not aware or should not be aware. Liability in particular for copyright infringements for data and files supplied by the customer is excluded. The Contractor warrants that the programs – including future program versions – are free of third-party rights that restrict their use. The Contractor shall indemnify the Customer against claims for damages by third parties due to infringements of property rights. If a third party claims against the Customer that the programs infringe its rights, the Customer shall notify the Contractor immediately in writing. The Customer shall leave it to the Contractor, as far as permissible, to defend the asserted claims at the Contractor’s expense. In the event of slight negligence, the Contractor shall only be liable if it breaches a material contractual obligation. The Contractor undertakes to maintain the coverage of its business liability existing at the time of conclusion of the contract. For work carried out exclusively on an hourly rate basis, Avedium shall only be liable for intent. For all cases not yet regulated, liability, regardless of the legal grounds, is limited to the invoice amount of the service concerned. The Provider shall only be liable for infringements of third-party rights within the European Union and the European Economic Area and at the place of contractual use of the service.

4. Obligations of the customer

The customer is obliged to follow the operating instructions provided. The Customer shall ensure for an unlimited period of time that the programs and program documents provided to it are not made accessible to third parties without the Contractor’s consent.

5. Delivery time

If no fixed time for the start of the service has been agreed in a programming service contract, the contractor has the right to withdraw from the contract if the client does not request the agreed service within 12 months of the contract being signed by the client. Withdrawal must be made by registered letter and the client loses all rights arising from the contract. If no fixed delivery time has been agreed in a contract for the provision of programs, the program specified in the service description shall be provided to the client 6 months after the contract has been signed by the client if it has not been requested by the client at an earlier date. The agreed price shall become due with this delivery.

6. Remuneration

Remuneration shall be regulated individually in accordance with the respective contract. Contractually agreed remuneration, hours and minimum turnover may be adjusted by the Contractor to changes in market prices, wage and ancillary wage costs by giving 3 months’ written notice. In the event of an increase in prices, the client may terminate the contract with 30 days’ notice to the date on which the increase comes into effect. The estimated price is non-binding. Billing shall be based on the actual scope of the services rendered. If the contract is terminated prematurely without notice after the price increase, the hours incurred up to that point, including travel time and any expenses to be charged separately due to the client’s special requests, shall be invoiced. If additional taxes or other charges are levied in connection with the execution of a contract after conclusion of the contract, the prices may be adjusted accordingly.

7. Effectiveness of the contract, right of withdrawal

Irrespective of the duration of the individual contract, each contractual partner has the right to terminate the contract in writing without notice if one of the contractual partners intentionally violates an essential part of the contract. If further Avedium services are provided at a later date after Avedium services have already been rendered, these contractual conditions shall also apply to these services. A right of withdrawal from these contracts is excluded for both contractual partners, unless it is expressly regulated. If individual provisions of a contract are invalid, this shall not affect the remaining provisions.

8. Invoices, payments

Unless otherwise agreed or described in the preceding points, payments shall be made immediately after invoicing without deductions. The Customer may only dispute invoices for remuneration on a time and material basis within two weeks of receipt. Avedium Technologie GmbH shall draw the Customer’s attention to this when issuing the invoice. In the event of late payment, default interest of 2% above the respective Bundesbank discount rate shall be payable. Unless the Customer can prove a lower damage caused by default.

9. Right of retention/offsetting

The right to use the programs shall be suspended if the customer is in default of payment. The customer is not authorized to withhold payments – notwithstanding his right to refuse payment due to incomplete or incorrect consideration. He may only offset claims that have been legally established or recognized by Avedium Technologie GmbH.

10. Collateral agreements/amendments/supplements

Ancillary agreements/amendments/additions must be made in writing. This also applies to any waiver of this written form requirement. The ineffectiveness of individual provisions shall not result in the ineffectiveness of the entire contract.

11. Secrecy

Both contracting parties are obliged to treat information about business or trade secrets confidentially for an unlimited period of time. The Contractor shall oblige its employees to maintain confidentiality. The obligation to maintain confidentiality shall not apply to ideas, concepts, know-how and techniques relating to program development, or to data which are already known to the Contractor or which were or become known to the Contractor outside of a contract. The duty of confidentiality does not apply if disclosure is necessary to protect our own interests, in particular in cases in which the client has breached the provisions of these terms and conditions. Legal obligations to confidential treatment remain unaffected.

12. Limitation period and acceptance

The limitation period for claims against Avedium Technologie GmbH is 2 years, unless shorter statutory provisions apply, which then take precedence. If the Customer is not a consumer, his warranty claims against Avedium shall lapse after one year, calculated from the time at which acceptance has taken place. Acceptance takes place after completion of the overall service, generally after installation of the program on the user’s hardware and initial instruction. After installation of the program, Avedium shall demonstrate the existence of the agreed quality and the essential program functions by means of appropriate acceptance tests. At the Customer’s request, test data provided by the Customer shall be used for an acceptance test and certain types of additional tests shall be carried out which the Customer deems necessary in order to test the program in a practical manner. If the software has passed the acceptance tests, the Customer must submit a written declaration of acceptance at the request of Avedium. Any minor defects identified must be recorded in the acceptance declaration. Acceptance may not be refused due to insignificant defects. Avedium may set a reasonable deadline for the submission of the acceptance declaration, after the expiry of which the software shall be deemed to have been accepted.

13. Loyalty

The Customer and Avedium undertake to be mutually loyal. In particular, they shall refrain from employing, including hiring, employees of the contractual partner before 24 months have elapsed. Exceptions are only possible by mutual agreement. In the event of non-compliance, a contractual penalty of EUR 50,000.00 shall be payable to the other partner.

14. Force majeure

Events of force majeure, which make performance significantly more difficult or impossible for Avedium GmbH, entitle it to postpone the fulfillment of its obligation by the duration of the hindrance and by a reasonable start-up time. Force majeure includes, for example, strikes, lockouts and similar circumstances that affect Avedium directly or indirectly.

15. Right to work results

All written and machine-readable work results, such as programs, tapes, lists and other program documentation, created exclusively and directly for the client in the performance of a contract shall belong to the client, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract. Each contracting party may freely dispose of ideas, concepts, know-how and techniques relating to data processing which are developed by us or jointly with a client. We are not prevented from developing material and allowing third parties to use material that is similar to material supplied to other clients. When developing material for third parties, however, we shall not copy the work results created exclusively and directly for the client in whole or in part. The program sold by us may not be passed on to third parties or reproduced without our express consent. Avedium is entitled to demand from the Client, user and owner of the program that all copies produced, distributed or intended for illegal distribution without the consent of Avedium or in violation of the copyrights of Avedium are destroyed or returned to Avedium. The Customer guarantees that no reproductions that violate the copyrights of Avedium will be produced or distributed and that it will also impose these obligations on its employees.

16. General regulations for troubleshooting

If errors occur during contractual use, the Customer must notify Avedium immediately. The Customer is obliged to document the occurrence of the errors and the content of the error messages as well as all other relevant information in writing. The contractual partners agree that the elimination of errors can only be considered if the reported error can be repeated. The Customer shall support the Contractor within reasonable limits in the elimination of errors, in particular, at the request of the Contractor, to send the program as it was used when the error occurred and to provide machine time and data as well as to import corrective measures provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall receive error messages from the Customer, check them and, if necessary, report them to the software manufacturer (‘first-level support’). The Contractor shall rectify the errors within a reasonable period of time. This does not apply to errors in the license programs. The Contractor shall report such errors to the software manufacturer. The following shall then apply: In the case of errors that seriously impair the use of a program, the software manufacturer shall, if necessary, provide a workaround solution before the final correction. The software manufacturer does not need to correct errors that do not seriously impair the use of a program until a new program version is delivered. This applies in particular to errors that the user can tolerate until the next program version is delivered. The software manufacturer shall also provide workaround solutions for such errors via the contractor, insofar as this is reasonable for the software manufacturer. All claims against the Contractor or the software manufacturer shall lapse for such programs that the Customer modifies or otherwise intervenes in, unless the Customer proves in connection with the error message that the intervention is not the cause of the error.

17. Final provisions

The sections on the duty of confidentiality and the right to work results shall continue to apply indefinitely after the end of the contract. Deviations from our GTCs must be included in writing in the contract with the client, otherwise they are invalid.

18. Customer directory

Avedium is entitled to list the Customer in a customer directory and to use this for reference and acquisition purposes.

19.German law

German law shall apply exclusively. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.

20. Jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction is Wald-Michelbach.