Hanf Süßkartoffel Bällchen Kl

SOTO is climate-neutral and avoids paper with EDI Service

SOTO is known for its fresh, vegan and vegetarian organic specialties. Sustainability and the ecological footprint are important to the innovative food manufacturer from Chiemgau. SOTO produces climate neutrally and is very proud of this.

Nature is particularly important to us. That is why it is important to us that many business processes are paperless. We have found the perfect partner in Avedium’s Electronic Data Interchange Service.

Maria Schramm, Geschäftsführung SOTO / organic veggie food GmbH

We believe that SOTO is on the right track. It is a pleasure for us to be able to support such a role model with our EDI Service.

Sven Hecker, CEO Avedium

You too can make an important contribution to our environment and conserve resources with our EDI Service. Our sustainability calculator demonstrates how much breathable air your company saves through the use of EDI.

Are you interested in our EDI Service? We are here for you.

Photos © SOTO / organic veggie food GmbH